LA MAREE:Café – Brasserie HARRY’S @Hayama, Kanagawa


LA MAREE is a French restaurant rooted in Hayama and run by “Hikage-chaya,” a traditional Japanese restaurant with a 300-year history there. In an elegant Western-style building with a spectacular view overlooking the ocean, you can enjoy French cuisine that makes the most of local ingredients from the Miura Peninsula and surrounding local areas. You can also enjoy a quick but luxurious moment at the café with an ocean view during a drive.

Since its establishment in 1977, the French restaurant “LA MAREE” has been emphasizing convivial conversation, wonderful scenery, and local ingredients without being too formal. This time, we visited their cafe.

The grape parfait is an Instagram-worthy dish with a beautiful array of Nagano pione grapes, meringue sticks, and shiso-flavored crunch, all arranged in a stylish way. The basque cheesecake, English lemon tart, and coconut ice cream were also all rich and delicious.

LA MAREE(ラ・マーレ)は、葉山で300年の歴史を誇る日本料理『日陰茶屋』が展開する、かの地に根ざしたフレンチレストラン。海を見下ろす絶景の地に建つ瀟洒な洋館で、三浦半島はじめ地元の食材を活かしたフレンチが味わえます。ドライブの途中に、カフェで、海を眺めながらの贅沢なひと時も過ごせます。



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